Rewards and Recognition
- Mr. Santosh Kumar a farmer from Gaya got award from Mr. Sharad Pawar for promoting SRI method of crop cultivation on July16, 2013.
- Mr Jayjeet Kumar, a young farmer got cash prize of Rs 50,000/- from Mr. Narendra Modi the then chief minister of Gujarat and present prime minister of India in September 2013. HE was called to attend global meet on agriculture in Gujarat.
- Mrs. Kunti Devi, the first SRI Farmer of Bihar was made chief guest in a farmers’ fair organized by Bihar Agricultural university at Sabour, Bhagalpur. A group of scientists, giving her a great honor, took her from her residence to the campus of Bihar Agricultural University. PRAN won first prize among NGOs for live displaying of innovative and sustainable Agriculture practices.
- PRAN got award for grassroots innovation in SRI-implements. Cash prize of Rs 10,000 was given to PRAN for exemplary work among small and marginal farmers. The award was provided under Bihar Innovation Forum-II.
- PRAN got a national level Skoch Awards for Excellence 2014 in Gold Category for enhancing food security among small and marginal farmers through innovative and sustainable agriculture improving ecology. PRAN received award at Indian Habitat Centre, New Delhi.
- PRAN was invited to share its experience on innovative and sustainable agriculture in Global conference on Development Dialogue. This was organized by Despandey Foundation at Hubli, Karnataka.
- PRAN participated in an international conference organized by Harvard University at Boston, USA on access to climate resilience agriculture for vulnerable farmers. PRAN also shared its experience on Scaling up of SRI/SCI in Bihar in Cornell University at Ithaca, USA where large number of rice scientists and students participated.
- PRAN presented its experience on a Food Policy workshop organized of Indian association of Rome in New Delhi. Important stakeholders from various sectors participated in the workshop.
- PRAN along with Ms. Alicia Harley from Sustainability Science Programme of Harvard University, USA participated in an international workshop on Solar Project organized by ICIMOD, Kathmandu, Nepal.
- PRAN’s Executive Director was invited by 4th World Congress of Food-2015(Parallel Forum of WGC-2015) for join the 4th World Congress of Food-2015, in Qingdao, China during November 13-15, 2015 as chair/speaker in Track 16-2: Food Safety, Security and Quality while presenting about The system of crop intensification: reports from the field on improving agricultural production, foo…